Sunday, August 10, 2008

EDM #183- Dangerous

Well, some of you know our Ford 350 is named after the T-Rex Sue. We need something to cover up a scrape on the rear quarter panel (never go through drive-thru with a 21 ft truck after having acupuncture ). So I thought of doing a picture of a scary T-Rex and it would also fit the weeks challenge.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree, that definitely looks dangerous!

Stephanie said...

love it! you did a great job and it will certainly be distictive as a coverup! I may even recognize your truck if I see it around town. :)

Quilt knit said...

I did not need such a scare after being in "Thunderstorm with Lightening" in downtown Boston and still wet.

Really good Scare! Ha Ha!

Sherrie Roberts

kazumiwannabe said...

It looks great! Fun idea - your truck is going to be unique!

Luba said...
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Luba said...

Dangerous and scary! Quite a contrast to the gentle flower below. Great job!!

Unknown said...

It scared me:-)! Great Job!

Deborah said...

Okay, I'd give you room on the road! Great drawing. My sister and mom live in Vancouver, WA. I am coming up on Friday and my sis and I are going to Astoria for a sketching workshop. Your stuff is great.

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

This is cool! Love how it's ripping through the paper! Thanks for your comment on my A&W can. :) Marva