Monday, July 21, 2008

EDM # 79

Ears are very strange parts of the body. The more I worked on this the odder it seemed, but since I need to put an ear into one of my shirts this was a good start for understanding what the parts of an ear look like.


Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

This is very good! Love your other drawings as well! :) Marva

Stephanie said...

ears are strange, they seem to be made of all shadows and highlights interlocking in a puzzle that becomes an ear. your sketch is really good too!

Deborah said...

I totally agree....the more you look at ears the stranger they get. Though this is a very good!

Spinneretta said...

Great ear! Wonder if I drew my sons' ears, would they work better? ;)

Deb said...

You've done a fabulous job on that ear!!!

kazumiwannabe said...

Nicely done! I love how drawing makes us really look at things.

Alison said...

This really shows the shape - pity we can't really use our own ears as models.

Lisa Adams Reed said...

Wow! I just discovered your blog and am loving it. I must draw an ear today!