Friday, July 18, 2008

EDM #36-Draw in Public

Well, I consider this a step forward for me. I am super anal about my work and have had problems with perfectionism stopping my forward progress. This is certainly not a great drawing, but it has a lively line quality that appeals to me. After a bad thing happening (don't take a Ford F350 longbed through drive through if you like your paint job) it was fun to go to the Oregon Zoo concert, listen to jazz and nervously draw in public for the first time in a very long time. Thanks EDM for the push to do all of these wonderful challenges.


Bonny said...

Sharon, this is a wonderful sketch!! Congratulations! I think you have a really nice, loose style.

I have trouble with loose, quick sketches. So this is inspiring for me.

Alan said...

Great sketch..I haven't taken the challenge to draw around people yet myself. Welcome to EDM. I have been kind of quiet the last couple of weeks. By the way howdy neighbor.

Christie said...

This sketch is very good! You're so brave to sketch in public, I have yet to tackle THAT one.

Spinneretta said...

WAY to go!! well done, it looks great!

kazumiwannabe said...

I like it a lot! Like you said, it's lively, and a cool memory for you. (well except for the car... not funny at all).

Stephanie said...

lovely and lively! I'm just learning to do art in public. it certain is freeing!

Laura Frankstone said...

I agree---this is a very lively sketch. I'm so looking forward to seeing more of these!

Anonymous said...

Very loose and lively - and you were successful drawing in public. Congrats!

Deb said...

Great sketch!
I haven't become that brave yet.

Lynn said...

Nice work! Good for you for getting up the courage!

Don McNulty said...

Cool drawing.

Nan said...

Good for you for stretching your sketching! Excellent first time, and I hope to see others. Your "finished" drawings are wonderful too.

Mindy said...

I, too, struggle with drawing in public and my own perfectionism gets in my way - so I understand! I love this drawing. I like the way it feels and I need to work on being looser and more free.